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A Bosnian farmer harvests vegetables in the greenhouse
فلاحة بوسنية تحصد الخضار في البيت الزراعي
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A Bosnian farmer stands in the greenhouse and prepares his cart to transport fodder
فلاح بوسني يقف في البيت الزراعي ويجهز عربته وأدواته ليقوم بنقل الأعلاف
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An old Bosnian woman is happy to receive food aid from Qatar Charity
عجوز بوسنية سعيدة بعد أن تلقت مساعدات غذائية من قطر الخيرية
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Bosnian villager with his tractor
أحد سكان القرية في البوسنة بجانب جراره الزراعي
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A Bosnian family stands in front of their burnt house
عائلة بوسنية تقف أمام منزلهم الذي احترق
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Bosnian villager with his dairy cow
أحد سكان القرية في البوسنة يقف بجانب بقرته الحلوب
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A young Bosnian orphan with his mother in front of their house
شاب بوسني يتيم يقف مع والدته أمام منزلهم
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A Bosnian young man is happy to have a tractor
شاب بوسني صغير سعيد باقتنائه جرار زراعي
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A young Bosnian orphan with his flock of sheep, which he raised and doubled in number
شاب بوسني يتيم يقف مع قطيع أغنامه، الذي قام بمضاعفة عدده بفترة قصيرة
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The future engineer, a Bosnian young man who is diligent in his studies and work
مهندس المستقبل، شاب بوسني يجتهد بدراسته وعمله
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A villager Bosnian woman chops wood for later use for heating
امرأة قروية بوسنية، تقوم بتقطيع الأخشاب، لاستخدامها في التدفئة من برد الشتاء
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An old Bosnian woman looks out from the window of her house in the village
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An elderly Bosnian couple stands in front of the door of their house in the village
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A Bosnian doctor in a health unit funded by Qatar Charity
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Bosnian carpenter chopping wood
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A Bosnian carpenter holds his tools and stands in his workshop
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Bosnian family of orphaned girls and their mother
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Two orphan Bosnian girls with their little lambs
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Two orphaned Bosnian girls stand on the roof of the sheepfold
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an image of a Bosnian woman with a mental illness, standing inside the asylum, looks out
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A Bosnian imam standing, with his mosque in the background
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A Bosnian imam standing inside of his mosque.
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A Bosnian imam reading Quran at his mosque.
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A Bosnian imam sitting at his mosque.
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A Bosnian woman standing in the bee farm she runs.
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A Bosnian woman standing in the bee farm she runs.
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A Bosnian man turns a room of his house into a barbershop, and shave for the neighborhood's residents.
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A Bosnian man turns a room of his house into a barbershop.
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The Bosnian barber with his wife in front of their house.
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An orphan Bosnian girl stands in a classroom, holding textbooks.
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